Asthma Trainers
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Asthma Inhaler Trainer: Usage and Benefits
Introduction to Asthma Inhaler Trainers
Understanding the use and importance of asthma inhaler trainers for both asthma sufferers and instructors.
Key Features of Asthma Inhaler Trainers
- Simple unit with a mouthpiece and push-button mechanism.
- Designed to simulate the use of an asthma inhaler.
- Ensures correct alignment for proper functionality.
- Available with multilingual instructions for comprehensive guidance.
Using the Asthma Inhaler Trainer
Step-by-step instructions for effective use:
- Seal mouth around the mouthpiece and exhale.
- Breathe in until you hear a whistle.
- Push down on the inhaler to release medication.
- Inhale deeply for five seconds and hold breath.
Training and Maintenance Tips
- Train with the inhaler trainer at any time to practise inhalation technique.
- Ensure users are not in distress before using the trainer.
- Sanitise trainers thoroughly between uses with Milton or antiseptic wipes.
Availability and Accessibility
Asthma inhaler trainers are available for purchase on our online shop or provided by asthma nurses and doctors.
Explore our range of asthma inhaler trainers to improve inhalation technique proficiency and ensure effective asthma management.